Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hello all! I'm just putting up my schedule for the trip so you guys can know a bit about what I'm doing... or maybe plan a trip to come visit me!
April 1 - May 8 Costa Rica
I'll be volunteering at La Tortuga Feliz ( http://www.latortugafeliz.com ) until April 30 and then staying at Rockin' Js Hostel in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca near the famous surfing spot Salsa Brava. While at La Tortuga Feliz I will have zero communication because I'll be on an island in the middle of nowhere, but as soon as I get to the hostel I will be eager to email and phone.

May 8 - November 2 Ecuador
First I will be spending two nights in Quito at the Secret Garden Hostel. Then I will be heading down the the Amazon.
From May 10 - July 7 I will be volunteering with the Shuar tribe through an organization called Fundecoipa (http://www.fundecoipa.com ) at the Arutam Forest Reserve. The site is close to a town called Puyo. While there I will be doing everything from trail maintenance to gardening to building houses to teaching english. I won't have direct access to internet or phone but I will be able to go to nearby towns on some weekends and there I'll email and phone you guys. If there is a serious and urgent message that you need to get to me contact Soren via the email addresses on the website and he'll be able to pass along the message quicker (no gossip or lovely anecdotes, por favor).
From July 7 - August 1 I have no concrete plans. I will still be in Ecuador but I'm not sure what I will be doing..... keep checking for an update on these plans.... this would be a great time to coordinate a visit.... hint hint.
From August 1 - November 2 I will be volunteering at the Rio Muchacho Organic Farm ( http://www.riomuchacho.com ). The farm is in an area called Bahia de Caraquez on the Pacific Coast. The city was destroyed by various natural disasters and rebuilt as an ecocity; so, the area is incredibly involved in community development and environment. At the farm I will be working on the daily operations of the farm, working in the community with other farmers, and working with the school that has adapted some sort of environmental studies into their curriculum. On the actual farm I won't have access to email or phone but volunteers usually leave on the weekends and so I'll stop at an internet cafe then.

November 2 - Mid January Belize
In Belize I will be volunteering at the Maya Mountain Research Farm ( http://www.mmrfbz.org ). The farm is literally in the middle of the jungle and only reachable by canoe. I'm not sure how long I will be here or if I'll be traveling after volunteering. While I'm at the farm I will only be reachable by email on a regular basis but as my plans become more concrete and I know if I'll be traveling, that may change. If anyone wants to meet up for some fun in Belize, I'd love it!

Then I'll be home! Keep in touch! My email is Jordanesilverman@gmail.com. I love you all!!

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