Saturday, May 9, 2009

Crabs and the girl who wears no clothes - 4/26/09

This morning our cabin came under attack from many many crabs. Once a year they make a mass migration from the jungles and mountains all the way down to the ocean to lay their eggs. They came in droves by the hundreds. Most are quite large and very blue. Under my bed there happens to be a hole in the wall, connected to the bodega, which happens to be just large enough for the crabs to crawl through. At around 6 am, 3 crabs made their way through the hole and as they walked across the tile thier loud shuffling noises woke me up out of a dead, benedryl-induced sleep. At first I was only nervous, but then they climbed up my pack which was vulnerably laid open. I thought they might climb onto my bed while i was stuck in my mosquito net and I freaked out and went running out of the cabin screaming in my underwear. Eventually Roel and Vanessa came to the rescue and slapshot them out of the cabin with brooms. Finally i settled back into bed and right after the paranoia subsided and I was about to fall asleep I heard shuffle shuffle. More crabs! We repeated the process and blocked up the hole under my bed. Oh the drama. Also, new people arrived today. One girl in particular seems to be a bit out of place. She came attired in giant plastic playboy earings, a mini shirt that did not cover the bottom of her bra, and a skirt that did not cover her bum. I´m not exactly sure what she was thinking when she packed her bag, but the guides certainly enjoy it.

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